Friday, April 17, 2020

Protein For Muscles Essays - Bodybuilding Supplements,

Protein For Muscles Creatine Information Creatine is a naturally occurring metabolite found in muscle tissue. It plays an important role in energy metabolism, and ATP reformulating. Muscle soreness, lactate build up, and fatigue are a direct result of depleted ATP store. Creatine replenishes ATP stores, thus prolonging time to fatigue. Creatine also increases available instant energy, increases muscular strength, improves endurance, and reduces levels of metabolic byproducts such as ammonia (Ammonia is produced at high levels during intense exercise, ammonia is partially responsible for muscular fatigue). From our experience, Creatine supplementation results in significant muscle accumulation and increased muscular endurance in all of our clients. Weight gains from 4-14 pounds are common place with Creatine supplementation. Creatine loading via supplemental feeding can also offer the potential for the following. Improved Athletic Performance: Maximizing the level of stored Creatine (20% or more) by supplemental ingestion of Creatine Monohydrate, has been shown to extend peak athletic performance for longer periods during short duration, high intensity exercise. Stockpiling Creatine shortens the time necessary for the body to generate replacement Creatine, thus significantly reducing muscle recovery time between short duration, high intensity activities. Increase Lean Muscle Mass: Inactive or dystrophic muscle (such as occurs as a result of injury) has by nature reduced levels of Creatine. Supplementation with Creatine Monohydrate permits dystrophic muscle to work harder during therapy and rebuild itself to its normal state. Correct Creatine Deficiencies: Disease or age-related Creatine deficiencies in the brain and skeletal muscle can be improved by the oral administration of Creatine Monohydrate, helping to restore a more active, normal lifestyle. How to Use Creatine Loading / Maintenance Phase: Take one to two scoops immediatley after workout, that's it. Creatine is best utilized when taken with a high glycemic substance such as (grape juice, Ultra fuel, ect.) Creatine Monohydrate - How Does It Really Works? Glenn Peden offered the following from Tom McCullough via the FEMUSCLE list on Tuesday, 13June1995. It was forwarded to me in response to my call for information on Creatine. Glenn: My Dad said he read mail today. Hope he can answer all of your questions. I have been powerlifting for 13 years. I lift in the 242 lb. weight class. I am also ranked #9 in the USA. If you have not tried the creatine monohydrate, get some. Just a quick explanation of its actions. I'm sure you know in order for a muscle to contract energy has to be released through the breakdown of ATP. In strength training you are in an anaerobic system. The only way ATP is made is through anaerobic glycolisis. ATP is also reformed in the anaerobic system when chemical reactions take place in the muscle forcing the biproducts of ATP breakdown (ADP + Pi) back together so muscular contractions can take place again. Here is where the creatine comes in to play. The body has to hace creatine phosphate to force the ADP + Pi back together to reform ATP for energy. Creatine phosphate is formed when a chemical reaction breaks down creatine monohydrate, a natural dietary substance found in meats. The liver can synthesise creatine in small amounts but most of the creatine we digest is stored in the muscles and bones for future use. However, especially in diets low in protein, we do have limited stores and it does take time to release the creatine stores. Red meat is the best source of creatine,however there is only about 1 g./lb. of meat. By taking creatine supplements you are supersaturating the body with creatine phosphate stores. This will enable you to have more creatine available to produce more ATP at a faster rate. Thus, more energy is available per muscular contraction and ATP stores are restores quicker. This means for weight lifters more max strength and quicker recovery. The instructions for supplementation: 1st 5 days: 5g.4-6 x per day (this is the loading phase) after: 5-8g 30-45 min before workout/ 5g. after workout. Creatine supplements will also cause, in most individuals intra cellular fluid retention. I have experienced 10 lb weight gains in first 2 wks. You should also start experiencing strength gains after the first week. These gains wont be dramatic, like steriods, but you will see a difference. Try it , I think you will like it. Texas A&M experimented with it with a few players last season. This season they are putting the whole team on it because they got such positive results with the few guys who tried it. promote further gains in sprint performance (5-8%), as well as gains in strength (5-15%) and

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