Thursday, January 30, 2020

Impact upon the offender Essay Example for Free

Impact upon the offender Essay The offender gets a new lease of life, and gets a chance to redeem himself or herself in the eyes of law as well as the society. Although the lawbreaker will have to continuously be doing the correct thing so that people or the police do not pick him or her again for any further offences in the future. They get a chance to contribute to society and at the same time maintain ties with their near and dear ones. Parole decisions for an individual depends on several factors which includes the offenders offense, the number of violations done at the institutions, past criminal history, personal interviewing, behavioral educational development during prison sentence, plans on released information that is available from fiends, family and victims. The main impact for the offender would be the restoration of Civil Rights, which can be completely or partially. This giving the offender the freedom to return to a normal way of life which every human being would want to come back to. Social impact upon society. According to John Howard Society of Alberta (1998), corrections give the lawbreaker a chance to come back to the society as productive and valuable members for society. Although there is evidence that Canadian citizens can be interested in community corrections, but the New Brunswick incident has shown that people want to go through the correctional system and are also willing to listen to discussions about how things work. But many still do feel that the present correctional system is a failure and people are willing to go through other alternatives to community corrections. The research done in the article shows that more information that is available to the public more is their degree of understanding and acceptance of not only the circumstances and the case but also of the sentence itself. So that the offenders get a chance to be accepted into society and the community as much as possible, so that they can aptly contribute to the society. Every year there are thousands of offenders that are released, which forces the police to take public safety very seriously. So that not only does the offender have a smooth transition into society but also so that the society accepts the rehabilitated offender. The cost for such programs is very expensive and therefore there needs to be some cost affective ways of managing with limited resources so that offences of the type do not happen again. There needs to be solutions and programs that can be put into place so that programs and people can be corrected with better strategies. Fiscal impact upon society Due to these corrective institutions and communities there has been a serious overcrowding in the community and institutions, leading to â€Å"stifling fiscal constraints† on the services and providers (McCarthy.C, Lincoln. R and Wilson. P, 2000). The paper also says that these have found to be cheap â€Å"alternative to prison†, but there is a continuous growth in prison population while the treasury has been forced to spend a lot of money to face the â€Å"pressures of overcrowding†. All this is because there is a lack of purpose and more over lack of funding. Harding (1994) and Kleinwort Report (1989) did mention that there needs to be better â€Å"public sector management† even though there is pressure and competition. What is required is to create worthwhile â€Å"benchmarks, fiscal justification and budgetary restraint†. Although privatization questions whether it is correct to privatize even though there is a possibility fiscal and other benefits (DiLulio 1989), although such resistance will need to be overcome if we need to countenance the â€Å"privatising of community corrections†. Conclusion Institutional and community corrections are done so that outcome of the criminal judicial system and their intervention with these offenders may ensure that the public is safe. Over the years criminal justice lawmakers have tried their best to come up with the most effective methods that will help in achieving the goal and also the affect it will have on the strategies in the management of the offender. There have been many ways of management inside the system itself for the judges and the offenders so that sentences that are given out is fair and just, which leads to safe and secure lives for the offenders keeping in mind the society, the offender, victims, friends and family. Communication correction is one of the main reasons that the offenders are returned back to the society as able and responsible citizens. The main goal of institutional and corrective measures is public safety through reduced means of recidivism by the effective management of offenders inside the community and institutions, wherein both need to work together as partners, so that the common goal can be achieved. To make this a success it is also important to use additional resources such as an integrated case management system all over the country, interaction between professional in the field of criminal judiciary and corrective institutions and communities, to promote the offenders success rate. References Justice Solutions, Inc. (2005) American Probation and Parole Association. Institutional and Community Corrections-sponsored Community Service Projects to Benefit Crime Victims In Conjunction With National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. February 2005. http://www. appa-net. org/announce/aaa_summary. pdf Robinson, P. H and Darley, J. M (2003). Role of Deterrence in the Formulation of Criminal Law Rules: At Its Worst When Doing Its Best, The Georgetown Law Journal. http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3805/is_200306/ai_n9292674 Sherman. L. W and Strang. H (1997). Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE). Restorative justice and deterring crime. ISSN 1328-3006 ; ISBN 0 7315 2803 4 Australian National University, Canberra RISE Working Papers, no. 4 April 1997 John Howard Society of Alberta (1998). Community Corrections. http://www. johnhoward. ab. ca/PUB/C29. htm McCarthy. C, Lincoln. R and Wilson. P, (2000) . Privatising Community Corrections. http://epublications. bond. edu. au/cgi/viewcontent. cgi? article=1048context=hss_pubs. Harding, R. (1994) Models of Accountability for the Contract Management of Prisons in Moyle, P. (ed) Private Prisons and Police: Recent Australian Trends, Pluto Press, Sydney. Kleinwort Report (1989) Investigation into Private Sector Involvement in the NSW Corrective Services, Kleinwort Benson, Sydney. DiLulio, J. (1989) The Duty to Govern: A Critical Perspective on the Management of Prisons and Jails in McDonald, D. (ed) Private Prisons and the Public Interest Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick NJ.

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