Sunday, December 29, 2019

Abortion Is The Ending Of Pregnancy - 1341 Words

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own. surgery has lower risk of side effects. When allowed by local law abortion in the developed world is and has long been one of the safest procedures in medicine. Uncomplicated abortions do not cause any long term mental or physical problems. Every year unsafe abortions cause 47,000 deaths and 5 million hospital admissions. Around 44 million abortions occur each year in the world, with a little under half done unsafely. Abortion rates have changed little between 2003 and 2008,, 40% of the world s women had access to legal abortions without limits as to reason. However, there are limits on how late in pregnancy abortion is†¦show more content†¦Reasons for procuring induced abortions are typically characterized as either therapeutic or elective. An abortion is medically referred to as a therapeutic abortion when it is performed to save the life of the pregnant woman; prevent harm to the woman s physical or mental health; terminate a pregnancy where indications are that the child will have a significantly increased chance of premature morbidity or mortality or be otherwise disabled; or to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen health risks associated with multiple pregnancy. Spontaneous Spontaneous abortion, also known as miscarriage, is the unintentional expulsion of an embryo or fetus before the 24th week of gestation. A pregnancy that ends before 37 weeks of gestation resulting in a live-born infant is known as a premature birth or a preterm birth. When a fetus dies in utero after viability, or during delivery, it is usually termed stillborn. Premature births and stillbirths are generally not considered to be miscarriages although usage of these terms can sometimes overlap. Only 30% to 50% of conceptions progress past the first trimester. The vast majority of those that do not progress are lost before the woman is aware of the conception, Between 15% and 30% of known pregnancies end in clinically apparent miscarriage, depending upon the age and health of the pregnant woman. 80% of these spontaneous abortions happen in

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Negotiation Situation Based On A Selling Of A 6 Plex...

Negotiation Name Registration number Institution Date An Essay based on a negotiation situation based on a selling of a 6 plex building in Montreal the cost asked for selling is 850,000 dollar and the price the building was bought in 2005 was 500,000 dollar and 100,000 dollar was spent on it, and the municipality evaluation is 670,000 dollar and the growth revenue from the building is 72,000 dollar Introduction Negotiation is considered to be one of the crucial elements of economic activity. Additionally, the ability of management to be good negotiators is also a key element necessary for the success of any business. Negotiation is described as the bargaining process through which sellers and buyers arrive at an agreement; it is the process by which both parties, the seller and the buyer, resolves conflict between them concerning prices. Negotiation is reached when as many interests are met. Negotiation process occurs at different level, including, personal level, Inter-group, diplomatic level or at cooperate level. In requisites, negotiation is a discussion involving two or more parties (disputants) who are in the process of finding a solution to their problems. Negotiation process takes place when the parties are trying to solve a problem arising out of intentions to do new things. It happens when the parties acknowledge the conflict of interest between them and that they can influence the outcome by demanding for a better deal, as opposed to accepting theShow MoreRelatedBus and Supply Chain7047 Words   |  29 PagesTable of Contents Business Analysis 3 About InnoBus 3 Mission and strategy 3 Structure 3 The competitive situation of InnoBus in the trade environment 4 SWOT Analysis 4 5-Forces Model by Porter 6 The Unique Selling Proposition of InnoBus 7 Competitors of InnoBus 7 The Stakeholders of InnoBus 8 The Legal Aspects 8 The International Trade Environment 8 The competitive advantage of InnoBus 9 The logistic process at InnoBus 9 The Process 9 Time-to-market 10 Planning and Master Production Schedule 11Read MoreBus and Supply Chain7056 Words   |  29 PagesTable of Contents Business Analysis 3 About InnoBus 3 Mission and strategy 3 Structure 3 The competitive situation of InnoBus in the trade environment 4 SWOT Analysis 4 5-Forces Model by Porter 6 The Unique Selling Proposition of InnoBus 7 Competitors of InnoBus 7 The Stakeholders of InnoBus 8 The Legal Aspects 8 The International Trade Environment 8 The competitive advantage of InnoBus 9 The logistic process at InnoBus 9 The Process 9 Time-to-market 10 Planning and Master ProductionRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-16981-0 (pbk.) 1. Marketing—United States—Case studies. I. Title. HF5415.1.H37 2009 658.800973—dc22 2008040282 ISBN-13 978-0-470-16981-0 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREFACE Welcome to the 30th anniversary of Marketing Mistakes and Successes with this 11th edition. Who would have thought that interest in mistakes would be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decadesRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 PagesRepresenta- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF DIVISIONS, TITLES, rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BILLS 4 5 AND SUBTITLES. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the 6 ‘‘Affordable Health Care for America Act’’. VerDate Nov 24 2008 12:56 Oct 30, 2009 Jkt 089200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H3962.IH H3962 2 1 2 (b) TABLE TITLES.—This OF DIVISIONS, TITLES,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations Economic Development

Question: Discuss about the Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations for Economic Development. Answer: Literature Review Accounting is a professional tool which is used to play the role of economic development in the nation. According to the American accounting association in 1986, accounting helps the organization in presenting the qualitative information in financial matters. Accounting helps the organization in making various economic decisions. Here economic decisions are in the form of selecting one best alternative from various set of alternatives (Romanus, 2014). According to Armstrong in 2010, the accounting helps the organization in utilizing the full potential of its available resources, by this organization can make the utilization of its scarce resources such as manpower, cash, and many more. This results into increase in the wealth of the organization and helps the organization in producing qualitative goods and services. To accomplish such role the company need accountants which are expert in their subject, the organization must have sufficient number of accountants with it to help the organization in an effective manner during the period of crises (Arnold). Accounting in case of global organization such as Microsoft, should not only contain the practical knowledge but also a mix of theoretical and economical knowledge. This would help the companies such as Microsoft in analyzing the solutions for complex problems. Accounting in informational technology can be understood in two aspects those are: it can be used for educating the accountants and for increasing the knowledge aspects of the accounts so to make them efficient in providing an effective judgment (Unegbu, 2014). However in case of global organizations, such as Microsoft as an informational technology company, to maintain professionalism in the organization, an accountant must possess the professional qualifications. For establishing professional qualifications the accountant must be aware of various national as well as international standards of accountancy, and what are the consequences of adopting any standard or not (Ali, 2011). In case of accounting challenged as posed in global organization is majorly for the accountants to comply with the rules and regulations of the accounting profession. This affects the perception of the accountants and how they can apply this in their management functioning. In case of global market, accounting education has came across with numerous challenges and issues, which are in the form of regulatory, economic, technological, social, and global environment changes (AICPA, 2017). According to Kavanagh and Drennan in 2008, the accountants in case of global companies need not require an extensive knowledge of accountancy to excel in their carrier, besides this, they need to enhance the level of knowledge in relation to accountancy and skills. Hence in case of global organizations the accountant faces challenges in developing knowledge and skills to develop their knowledge in case of technical matters. According to Iyoha in 2011, following are some of the challenges which are faced by the multinational informational technology companies such as Microsoft: Economic condition: it is considered as one of the considerable determinant in the growth of the company as well as industry as a whole. In case of changes in the economy, it also leads to make some effect in case of measurement and presentation of the accounting data. It also leads to impact in disclosure aspect of the accounting data in the organization, like in case of Microsoft, the changes in the economic condition would lead to changes in the disclosure requirement of the financial and non financial data of the organization. In case of countries which are highly undeveloped in terms of economic criteria, has also lesser accounting principles and ethics. In case of Microsoft, it is headquartered in United States, which is highly developed country; hence, it faces more accounting challenges as compare to those of highly under developed countries (Saudagaran, 2009). Besides economic criteria, the company also faces challenge in case of general education. By general education the report means the way according to which the accountants would be educated so to meet the professionalism in relation to their responsibility and duties towards their work and organization. In case of global organization, the company should select those employees which posses a high level of the skills and knowledge in accounting, quality of accounting, competence and expertise level of the accounting. One of the major challenge as faced by the organizations which work on the global basis, has difference in accounting practices followed. The global organization works at multinational locations. Hence to operate effectively the company accountant has to accomplish various standards, rules and regulations. Like in case of Microsoft, the company targets the world market, in case of United States; the organization follows generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP), while in case of United Kingdom the organizations need to follow the rules and regulations of International financial reporting standards (IFRS). Hence it is said that the company working at global level has to follow the accounting practices as pertained in that respective organization. According to Trigo, Belfo and Estebanez in 2014, in case of traditional accounting the organizations needed to prepare accounting statements on the annual or quarterly basis. But due to advancement in technology and accounting standards the organizations especially global organizations need to modify their accounting policies in the form of disclosures and presentation, as in modern accounting the multinational and global organization need to increase the level of transparency. This would help the company in competing with its competitor organizations such as apple, SAP, IBM (Duvier, C, et al,. 2016). In modern accounting, the global organizations face challenges in presenting the real time information reporting. Real time reporting provides various benefits as in comparison to those organizations which are following the traditional accounting method. In case of traditional accounting methods, the organizations has to present only financial and non financial matters in their annual and quarterly financial statements, but in case of modern accounting method such as real time reporting, the organizations are required to present not only financial and non financial matters but also about the corporate and social ethics of the company. This will increase the interest of investors in making some investments in the company. Hence it is said that the company faces challenge in case of applicability of modern accounting practices, as it has lead to increase in the responsibility of the company towards the presentations and disclosures and applicability of corporate and social standards to increase the stakeholders interest in the company (Black, and Morrison, 2014). The real information system is understood as processing of the data in milliseconds, in case of global organization, they possess a huge amount of data with them, hence it is very difficult for the management to arrive at a common solution or objective, therefore it has made a compulsory requirement for the global organizations to adopt the practices of modern accounting practices (Efrat, 2016). According to Yadav, in 2013 in case of Microsoft as a global organization, the perspective of accounting has been broadened, now the company has to comply with the creative principles of accounting. Creative accounting is a kind of challenge for the global companies the reason behind this is, this accounting would change the image of the company in the minds of its stakeholders and competitors, this is so, it makes a mix between the ethics and accounting principles. This creates a responsibility of the organization towards the development of the nation (Microsoft Corporation, 2012). The accounting would lead to increase the protection of the rights and obligations towards the shareholders, it would bind the company to treat all the shareholders in an equal manner, and this would lead to drastic reduction in insider trading and self dealing. Besides this it leads to disclosure and presentation of company performance, governance and ownership issues to its stakeholders. For accomplishing such objectives, the responsibilities of the board members have been increased so to check whether the company is complying with the accounting principles or not. These positive aspects has considered as challenges by the company, the reason being it would lead to reduction in confidentiality principle of the company, as modern accounting requires full disclosure of the information in timely and accurate manner (Hult International business school, 2016). In 2011, the FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD BOARD (FASB) has issued rules and regulations regarding the disclosure requirement for the right to compensate the arrangements of derivative and financial instruments. This requires the disclosure of the gross amounts which can be set off as by complying with a set standard. Besides this, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD BOARD (FASB) has issued standard for impairment of the intangible asset to check out the differences between the carrying value of the intangibles and its fair value. According to FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD BOARD (FASB), if the company has greater carrying value as compare to its fair value, the recognition of impairment is required. In case of Microsoft, as it deals into intangible assets majorly, hence it should comply with such standard, but the company has refused to accept such standard, as it would lead to affect the companys accounting policies, as complying to these requirements of Financial accounting standard boar d (FASB) are considered as challenge for the company (Zakari, 2014). It is said that the changes in accounting are considered as challenges for the company because, it would lead to change the management own accounting policies. Besides this, by compliance to the accounting policies in case of global companies such as in case of Microsoft, it has to comply with different accounting policies; this also includes the changes in tax rates. Microsoft as a global company has a liability to pay tax amount in the country in which it is trading goods, for accomplishing this, the company has to adopt various corporation tax rates which are applicable in the foreign market. Besides tax rates, each country has different compliance of taxes and policies, hence in case of Microsoft the company has to comply with all such requirements which are considered as challenges for the company (Yadav, 2013). Furthermore, to effective compliance of such changes in tax rates and accounting compliances, there should be treaty between two or more than two countries. Hence for such, the political factors and economic factors of those countries should be matched, hence in case of Microsoft as a global company, the company faces challenge in case of trading into foreign market (Adagey, Azagaku, B and Umbugadu, 2015). In case of global company which is dealing into information technology industry such as Microsoft manufacturing software, the company has to rely up on the great deal of functionality. For accomplishing this, the company has to use some software and tools such as tax program or accounting tools. This is also considered as a challenge for the global companies, the reason behind this is, every country has different accounting and legal systems (Trigo, Belfo, and Estebanez, 2014). Hence it is said that in case of global companies, the company cannot rely upon a single base of accounting or any tax program, as it changes from region to region. Apart from these challenges, the global companies also face challenges from accounting that is increase in the cost. Due to changes in the technological aspects, it leads to change in the rules, regulations and hence cost structure due to compliance of these rules and regulations. Hence it is said that change in the accounting policy leads to change in the cost structure of the company. It has also been analyzed that due to change in accounting compliance, the company has to increase its training and development cost, and has to incur expenditure in recruiting more experienced and skilled labor. These are the reasons which are considered by the company as challenges of accounting in adopting these in the structure of the organization (Ferran and Carlos, 2008). References Adagey, I,. Azagaku, B and Umbugadu, S,. (2015) Threats and challenges to accounting profession: a draw back to the development of accounting practices in Nigeria, International journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences, Vol 5(4) AICPA,. (2017) Emerging issues impacting todays accountants. Retrieved on 12th April, 2017 from Ali, I,. (2011) Current issues and challenges facing accounting education and the pedagogical implications: A review of the literature. Retrieved on 12th April, 2017 from Arnold P., Global financial crisis: The challenge to accounting research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 34, Issues 6-7, Pages 803-809, August-October (2009) 3 Black, J, S and Morrison, A,. (2014) The global leadership challenge, Routledge, New York Duvier, C, et al,. 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